The gifted hands that brought you the classic TextureMatch clip-ins have taken it one step further to bring you the InvisiBlend clip-ins. Now, you can create a truly undetectable finish with your clip-ins!
Each track is made with a super thin, layer of organic polymer that causes the clip-ins to lay extremely flat against the scalp, and grips the hairs better for a finished look that is as shed-free and durable as it is undetectable.
Why it's special
When we launched clip-ins as one of our very first products, they became incredibly popular for our unique Texture Match, easy installation and protective element. Our co-creators popularised the term "clip-ins wheeeereeee?''. But you guys know we're perfectionists, and the one piece of feedback we did receive was that you wanted a more seamless design. So, we sat down with our team and innovation partners to create a solution.
Ruka InvisiBlend clip-ins are the next generation in temporary hair extensions, and an alternative option to the industry standard of threaded weft clip-ins that shed notably and diminish in quality with repeated use over time.
Instead - InvisiBlend clip-ins are held together with a polymer material called polyurethane, to create a more undetectable finish with any look. Unlike silicone, polyurethane is an organic material with excellent abrasion resistance and tensile strength whilst still sharing the same flexibility, waterproofing, and cross-linking characteristics that make it perfectly fit for this purpose. Not to mention also being easily recyclable - again, unlike silicone. Now, you know we had to hit you with a bit of the science
But just because they're sleek, doesn't mean they're gonna slip! For increased security, InvisiBlend clip ins come with a total of 32 smaller clips in one pack, compared to 27 larger clip-ins in our standard clip ins.
As we said, perfectionists. Our track record speaks for itself, but that won’t stop you from trying the magic out for yourself now, will it?
Aaliyah wears the InvisiBlend Press'd Clip-ins in 22"